The newspaper, which is full of various types information about Tokachi, would mean nothing if it were not delivered to the readers. The Sales Department cooperates with 57 sales agents in 19 municipalities in Tokachi so that the paper is delivered consistently to the readers.

   A better paper would not be possible without interchange with readers. Approximately 1,000 workers at our sales agents, who actually deliver the paper, also play a role to directly communicate with our readers.
The specialized staff at our Call Center receive readers’ opinions about subscription, delivery and the contents of the paper.


Sales Agents

Our sales agents connect Tokachi Mainichi Newspaper, Inc. to the local community. Newspapers are delivered to agents, who insert advertising leaflets and deliver the papers to the subscribers.


Leaflet Center

Leaflets are "advisors of daily life," which provides useful infor-mation for daily living.

-- Tokachi Mainichi Newspaper, Inc.--
2, Minami-8, Higashi-1, Obihiro, Hokkaido 080-8688, Japan Tel:0155-22-2121 Fax:0155-25-2700